This section gives examples of citations in academic journals/papers where BioLogic instruments have been referenced.

- Battery
- Reactive template synthesis of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 nanorod cathode for Li-ion batteries: Influence of temperature over structural and electrochemical properties
- Alleviating the initial coulombic efficiency loss and enhancing the electrochemical performance of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 using β-MnO2
- All-carbon positive electrodes for stable aluminium batteries
- A fluorinated polycarbonate based all solid state polymer electrolyte for lithium metal batteries
- Lithium Metal Protection by a Cross-Linked Polymer Ionic Liquid and Its Application in Lithium Battery
- Functional separators for the batteries of the future
- Cobalt Nanoparticles on Plasma-Controlled Nitrogen-Doped Carbon as High-Performance ORR Electrocatalyst for Primary Zn-Air Battery
- Plasma Synthesis of Spherical Crystalline and Amorphous Electrolyte Nanopowders for Solid-State Batteries
- A high ionic conductive glass fiber-based ceramic electrolyte system for magnesium‒ion battery application
- Electrodeposition of MoSx: Tunable Fabrication of Sulfur Equivalent Electrodes for High Capacity or High Power
- "Electrochemical Kinetics of SEI Growth on Carbon Black: Part II. Modeling"
- Electrochemical Kinetics of SEI Growth on Carbon Black: Part I. Experiments
- Effect of Passivating Shells on the Chemistry and Electrode Properties of LiMn2O4 Nanocrystal Heterostructures
- Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Nanocrystals of Co-Rich Cathodes
- Hydrogel-derived foams of nitrogen-doped carbon loaded with Sn nanodots for high-mass-loading Na-ion storage
- Low-Cost Rapid Template-Free Synthesis of Nanoscale Zinc Spinels for Energy Storage and Electrocatalytic Applications
- Phase transformation in Na-Fe-S-O quaternary sulfate cathode materials
- Insight on the Failure Mechanism of Sn Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Evidence of Pore Formation during Sodiation and Crack Formation during Desodiation
- Facile synthesis of nanocrystalline β-SnWO4: as a photocatalyst, biosensor and anode for Li-ion battery
- Effect of channel dimensions of serpentine flow fields on the performance of a vanadium redox flow battery
- Synergy between partially exfoliated carbon nanotubes-sulfur cathode and nitrogen rich dual function interlayer for high performance lithium sulfur battery
- Synthetic vs. Real Driving Cycles: A Comparison of Electric Vehicle Battery Degradation
- Sulfur cloaked with different carbonaceous materials for high performance lithium sulfur batteries
- Strong Surface Bonding of Polysulfides by Teflonized Carbon Matrix for Enhanced Performance in Room Temperature Sodium‐Sulfur Battery
- Nitrogen-doped single walled carbon nanohorns enabling effective utilization of Ge nanocrystals for next generation lithium ion batteries
- Centrifugally Spun α-Fe2O3/TiO2/Carbon Composite Fibers as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Damage Formation in Sn Film Anodes of Na-Ion Batteries
- Stable and Unstable Diglyme-Based Electrolytes for Batteries with Sodium or Graphite as Electrode
- Alloying Reaction Confinement Enables High-Capacity and Stable Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Sodium Storage and Electrode Dynamics of Tin–Carbon Composite Electrodes from Bulk Precursors for Sodium‐Ion Batteries
- V2O5 nanoparticles as cathode for lithium-ion battery applications: Fabricated via microwave-assisted green synthesis using A. paniculata leaf extract
- Extending the Lifespan of Soluble Lead Flow Batteries with a Sodium Acetate Additive
- Fully Integrated Design of a Stretchable Solid‐State Lithium‐Ion Full Battery
- Reactive and Nonreactive Ball Milling of Tin‐Antimony (Sn‐Sb) Composites and Their Use as Electrodes for Sodium‐Ion Batteries with Glyme Electrolyte
- Impact of temperature on calendar ageing of Lithium-ion battery using incremental capacity analysis
- Electrode-Specific State of Health Diagnostics for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Cell Voltage and Expansion
- Nano Hard Carbon Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
- A Comparative Testing Study of Commercial 18650-Format Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
- In Situ STEM-EELS Observation of Nanoscale Interfacial Phenomena in All-Solid-State Batteries
- Intermittent Contact Alternating Current Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy: A Method for Mapping Conductivities in Solid Li Ion Conducting Electrolyte Samples
- Long-Time and Reliable Gas Monitoring in Li-O2 Batteries via a Swagelok Derived Electrochemical Cell
- Electric Dipoles and Ionic Conductivity in a Na+ Glass Electrolyte
- All-Solid-State Battery
- Influence of Microstructure on the Material Properties of LLZO Ceramics Derived by Impedance Spectroscopy and Brick Layer Model Analysis
- Cold-Starting All-Solid-State Batteries from Room Temperature by Thermally Modulated Current Collector in Sub-Minute
- Benchmarking the performance of all-solid-state lithium batteries
- Impact of the Solid Electrolyte Particle Size Distribution in Sulfide-Based Solid-State Battery Composites
- Copper Thiophosphate (Cu3PS4) as an Electrode Material for Lithium Solid-State Batteries with Lithium Thiophosphate (β–Li3PS4) Electrolyte
- Enhanced rate capabilities in a glass-ceramic-derived sodium all-solid-state battery
- Pseudohexagonal Nb2O5 Anodes for Fast-Charging Potassium-Ion Batteries
- In Situ STEM-EELS Observation of Nanoscale Interfacial Phenomena in All-Solid-State Batteries
- Fuel cell and electrolyser
- Impact of Highly Concentrated Alkaline Treatment on Mesostructured Cobalt Oxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
- Ag-Cu Nanoparticles as Cathodic Catalysts for an Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
- Proton-Conducting Graphene Membrane Electrode Assembly for High Performance Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Exceptional power density and stability at intermediate temperatures in protonic ceramic fuel cells
- Mitigating phosphoric acid migration in high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with hydrophobic polysilsesquioxane-based binders
- Quantifying the electrochemical active site density of precious metal-free catalysts in situ in fuel cells
- A High-Performance Electrocatalyst Based on Hybrid Nife-Pyromellitic Acid for Oxygen Evolution Reaction
- Hydrocarbon-Based Composite Membrane Using LCP-Nonwoven Fabrics for Durable Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis
- Spatially confined electrochemical conversion of metal–organic frameworks into metal-sulfides and their in situ electrocatalytic investigation via scanning electrochemical microscopy
- Continuous hydrogen production from food waste by anaerobic digestion (AD) coupled single-chamber microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) under negative pressure
- Stability of cobalt complex based dye solar cells with PEDOT and Pt catalysts and different electrolyte concentrations
- Decoupled electrolysis using a silicotungstic acid electron-coupled-proton buffer in a proton exchange membrane cell
- In-situ and ex-situ comparison of the electrochemical oxidation of SO2 on carbon supported Pt and Au catalysts
- Scalability and stacking of self-stratifying microbial fuel cells treating urine
- Microbial fuel cells directly powering a microcomputer
- Analytical electrochemistry
- Spatially confined electrochemical conversion of metal–organic frameworks into metal-sulfides and their in situ electrocatalytic investigation via scanning electrochemical microscopy
- Lithium recovery from diluted brine by means of electrochemical ion exchange in a flow-through-electrodes cell
- Bi–Sn nanoparticles for electrochemical denitrification: activity and selectivity towards N2 formation
- Constructing a pathway for mixed ion and electron transfer reactions for O2 incorporation...
- Coverage degrees of colloids on electrochemical electrodes and signal amplification for anti-citrullinated peptide antibody detection
- Utilization of hydrophobic ligands for water-insoluble Fe(II) water oxidation catalysts – Immobilization and characterization
- Investigation of electrocatalytic behaviour of low symmetry cobalt phthalocyanines when clicked to azide grafted carbon electrodes
- Use of ionic liquids in SECM experiments to distinguish effects of temperature and water in organic coating swelling
- Eco-friendly facile synthesis of glucose–derived microporous carbon spheres electrodes with enhanced performance for water capacitive deionization
- Heteroleptic NiII complexes: Synthesis, structural characterization, computational studies and amoebicidal activity evaluation
- Mapping Electrochemical Heterogeneity at Iron Oxide Surfaces: A Local Electrochemical Impedance Study
- Optically transparent multi-suction electrode arrays
- Electrochemical polymerization of pyrene derivatives on functionalized carbon nanotubes for pseudocapacitive electrodes
- Corrosion
- The Effect of Rapid Solidification on Microstructure and Corrosion of Advanced Biomaterial Co-Cr-Mo-C Alloy
- Corrosion behavior of 2205 stainless steel in simulated flue gas condensate with different chloride concentrations in a waste incineration power plant
- Calcium carbonate particles loaded with triethanolamine and polyethylenimine for enhanced corrosion protection of epoxy coated steel
- Study of pitting corrosion inhibition effect on aluminum alloy in seawater by biomineralized film
- Polyaniline/CeO2 nanocomposites as corrosion inhibitors for improving the corrosive performance of epoxy coating on carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl solution
- Effect of physical ageing onto the water uptake in epoxy coatings
- PV
- Graphene triggered enhancement in visible-light active photocatalysis as well as in energy storage capacity of (CFO)1-x(GNPs)x nanocomposites
- The role of GQDs additive in TiO2 nanorods as an electron transfer layer on performance improvement of the perovskite solar cells
- Light intensity-induced photocurrent switching effect
- Supercapacitors
- Development of nanohybrids based on carbon nanotubes/P(EDOT-co-MPy) and P(EDOT-co-PyMP) copolymers as electrode materials for aqueous supercapacitors
- Revisited insights into charge storage mechanisms in electrochemical capacitors with Li2SO4-based electrolyte
- Printable acid-modified corn starch as non-toxic, disposable hydrogel-polymer electrolyte in supercapacitors
- Highly flexible and non-toxic natural polymer gel electrolyte for printed supercapacitors for IoT
- Rapid kinetics
- Reductants fuel lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase activity in a pH-dependent manner
- Entropic barrier of water permeation through single-file channels
- Mechanistic Insights into Superoxide Dismutation Driven by Dinuclear Manganese Complexes: The Role of the Mn2-Core
- A designed second-sphere hydrogen-bond interaction that critically influences the O–O bond activation for heterolytic cleavage in ferric iron–porphyrin complexes
- Spin state and reactivity of iron(iv)oxido complexes with tetradentate bispidine ligands
- pH stability and disassembly mechanism of wild-type simian virus 40
- Hierarchical assembly pathways of spermine induced tubulin conical-spiral architectures
- Bioinspired superoxide-dismutase mimics: The effects of functionalization with cationic polyarginine peptides
- Functional asymmetry for the active sites of linked 5-aminolevulinate synthase and 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase
- Importance of Transmembrane Segment M1 of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in Ca2+ Occlusion and Phosphoenzyme Processing
- Kinetic and mechanistic aspects of selenite oxidation by chlorine, bromine, monochloramine, ozone, permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide
- Complexation of short ds RNA/DNA oligonucleotides with Gemini micelles: a time resolved SAXS and computational study
- Rapid mixing stopped-flow small-angle X-ray scattering study of lipoplex formation at beamline ID02@ESRF
- Formation Kinetics of Oil-Rich, Nonionic Microemulsions
- Applications of stopped-flow in SAXS and SANS
- Metabolic stability of superoxide adducts derived from newly developed cyclic nitrone spin traps
- An advanced EPR stopped-flow apparatus based on a dielectric ring resonator
- Revealing transient structures of nucleosomes as DNA unwinds
- Enzyme Kinetics above Denaturation Temperature: A Temperature-Jump/Stopped-Flow Apparatus
- Distinct Unfolding and Refolding Pathways of Ribonuclease A Revealed by Heating and Cooling Temperature Jumps
- A Millisecond Infrared Stopped-Flow Apparatus
- Visible Light-Driven O2 Reduction by a Porphyrin–Laccase System
- A Single Mutation in a Tunnel to the Active Site Changes the Mechanism and Kinetics of Product Release in Haloalkane Dehalogenase LinB
- Opening the periplasmic cavity in lactose permease is the limiting step for sugar binding
- Distinctactions of cis and trans ATP within the double ring of the chaperonin GroEL
- CpeS Is a Lyase Specific for Attachment of 3Z-PEB to Cys82 of β-phycoerythrin from Prochlorococcus marinus MED4
- Interaction of reduced lysozyme with surfactants: Disulfide effects on reformed structure in micelles
- Kinetics of Collapse Transition and Cluster Formation in a Thermoresponsive Micellar Solution of P(S-b-NIPAM-b-S) Induced by a Temperature Jump
- Kinetics of thermo-induced micelle-to-vesicle transitions in a catanionic surfactant system investigated by stopped-flow temperature jump
- CIL-102 binds to tubulin at colchicine binding site and triggers apoptosis in MCF-7 cells by inducing monopolar and multinucleated cells
- Kinetics of Ligand-Receptor Interaction Reveals an Induced-Fit Mode of Binding in a Cyclic Nucleotide-Activated Protein
- The N-terminal Helix Controls the Transition between the Soluble and Amyloid States of an FF Domain
- Synthetic testosterone derivatives modulate rat P2X2 and P2X4 receptor channel gating
- Mechanosensitive meningeal nociception via Piezo channels: Implications for pulsatile pain in migraine?
- Receptor Mechanisms Mediating the Pro-Nociceptive Action of Hydrogen Sulfide in Rat Trigeminal Neurons and Meningeal Afferents
- Pharmacology of triheteromeric N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors
- Characterization of the antagonist actions of 5-BDBD at the rat P2X4 receptor
- Nitrogen Oxide Atom-Transfer Redox Chemistry; Mechanism of NO(g) to Nitrite Conversion Utilizing μ-oxo Heme-FeIII–O–CuII(L) Constructs
- Kinetic studies of the yeast His-Asp phosphorelay signaling pathway
- The Aquaporin TcAQP1 of the Desert Truffle Terfezia claveryi Is a Membrane Pore for Water and CO2 Transport
- Aquaporin OsPIP1;1 promotes rice salt resistance and seed germination
- Function of a separate NH3-pore in Aquaporin TIP2;2 from wheat
- Pore selectivity analysis of an aquaglyceroporin by stopped-flow spectrophotometry on bacterial cell suspensions
- An electrokinetic approach to fabricating aquaporin biomimetic membranes for water purification
- Formate–nitrite transporters carrying nonprotonatable amide amino acids instead of a central histidine maintain pH-dependent transport
- Measuring Intracellular Ca Changes in Human Sperm using Four Techniques: Conventional Fluorometry, Stopped Flow Fluorometry, Flow Cytometry and Single Cell Imaging
- Organochlorine Formation in Tertiary Amine Catalyzed Pulp Bleaching
- Arginine‐95 is important for recruiting superoxide to the active site of the FerB flavoenzyme of Paracoccus denitrificans
- Kinetic and photonic techniques to study chemotactic signaling in sea urchin sperm
- How nature tunes isoenzyme activity in the multifunctional catalytic globin dehaloperoxidase from Amphitrite ornata
- A Rapid Freeze-Quench Setup for Multi-Frequency EPR Spectroscopy of Enzymatic Reactions
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Characterization of Tetrahydrobiopterin Radical Formation in Bacterial Nitric Oxide Synthase Compared to Mammalian Nitric Oxide Synthase
- Triplet State of the Semiquinone–Rieske Cluster as an Intermediate of Electronic Bifurcation Catalyzed by Cytochrome bc1
- Reactivity of Deoxy- and Oxyferrous Dehaloperoxidase B from Amphitrite ornata: Identification of Compound II and its Ferrous-Hydroperoxide Precursor
- Increase in muscle power is associated with myofibrillar ATPase adaptations during resistance training
- Impact of the access tunnel engineering on catalysis is strictly ligand‐specific
- Aminoglycoside binding and catalysis specificity of aminoglycoside 2″-phosphotransferase IVa: A thermodynamic, structural and kinetic study
- Kinetic Mechanism and Intrinsic Rate Constants for the Reaction of a Bacterial Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
- Structural proteomics: Topology and relative accessibility of plant lipid droplet associated proteins
No documents
- Materials science
- Guarding active sites and electron transfer engineering of core-shell nanosheet as robust bifunctional applications for overall water splitting and capacitors
- Lithium Metal Protection by a Cross-Linked Polymer Ionic Liquid and Its Application in Lithium Battery
- Functional separators for the batteries of the future
- Cobalt Nanoparticles on Plasma-Controlled Nitrogen-Doped Carbon as High-Performance ORR Electrocatalyst for Primary Zn-Air Battery
- Novel cobalt redox materials admitted in natrosol polymer with a thiophene based additive as a gel polymer electrolyte to tune up the efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells
- Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon structure derived from pinecone as a potential catalyst support in catalytic remediation of antibiotics
- Graphene interfacial diffusion barrier between CuSCN and Au layers for stable perovskite solar cells
- The Effect of Rapid Solidification on Microstructure and Corrosion of Advanced Biomaterial Co-Cr-Mo-C Alloy
- Plasma Synthesis of Spherical Crystalline and Amorphous Electrolyte Nanopowders for Solid-State Batteries
- Electrochromism of nitrogen-doped tungsten oxide thin films
- The Effect of Rapid Solidification on Microstructure and Corrosion of Advanced Biomaterial Co-Cr-Mo-C Alloy
- Plasma Synthesis of Spherical Crystalline and Amorphous Electrolyte Nanopowders for Solid-State Batteries
- Electrochromism of nitrogen-doped tungsten oxide thin films
- A high ionic conductive glass fiber-based ceramic electrolyte system for magnesium‒ion battery application
- A novel rheological high pressure die-casting process for preparing large thin-walled Al–Si–Fe–Mg–Sr alloy with high heat conductivity, high plasticity and medium strength
- Physicochemical exfoliation of graphene sheets using graphitic carbon nitride
- Reactive and Nonreactive Ball Milling of Tin‐Antimony (Sn‐Sb) Composites and Their Use as Electrodes for Sodium‐Ion Batteries with Glyme Electrolyte
- Sensors
- Spectroscopy
- Insight into the binding interactions of fluorenone-pendent Schiff base with calf thymus DNA
- Emerging Zein-Bound Zearalenone in Maize: Thermal-Induced Mechanism of Binding or Releasing
- Co-folding and RNA activation of poliovirus 3Cpro polyprotein precursors
- A strong CD8+ T cell-stimulating supramolecular hydrogel
- The study of inhibitory effect of natural flavonoids toward β-glucuronidase and interaction of flavonoids with β-glucuronidase
- Redox-dependent substrate-cofactor interactions in the Michaelis-complex of a flavin-dependent oxidoreductase
- Salt-induced cluster formation of gold nanoparticles followed by stopped-flow SAXS, DLS and extinction spectroscopy
- Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Coassembly of PEO–PMAA Block Copolymer and DPCl Surfactants into Ordered Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solutions Studied by ITC, NMR, and Time-Resolved SAXS Techniques
- Rupture of Pluronic Micelles by Di-Methylated β-Cyclodextrin Is Not Due to Polypseudorotaxane Formation
- Tuning a Polar Molecule for Selective Cytoplasmic Delivery by a pH (Low) Insertion Peptide
- Synthesis, characterization, and DNA-binding of enantiomers of iron(II) Schiff base complexes
- Contribution of Disulfide Bonds to Stability, Folding, and Amyloid Fibril Formation: The PI3-SH3 Domain Case
- Direct observation of a force-induced switch in the anisotropic mechanical unfolding pathway of a protein
- Early Folding Events Protect Aggregation-Prone Regions of a β-Rich Protein
- Millisecond-to-Minute Protein Folding/Misfolding Events Monitored by FTIR Spectroscopy
- Monitoring the binding of metal cations and histones to DNA in real time using fluorescence assays
- Transient interactions of a slow-folding protein with the Hsp70 chaperone machinery
- Solution behavior of iron(III) and iron(II) porphyrins in DMSO and reaction with superoxide. Effect of neighboring positive charge on thermodynamics, kinetics and nature of iron-(su)peroxo product
- Comparative studies on manganese-based SOD mimetics, including the phosphate effect, by using global spectral analysis
- Surface characterisation
- Electrochemical performances of asymmetric aqueous supercapacitor based on porous Cu3Mo2O9 petals and La2Mo3O12 nanoparticles fabricated through a simple co-precipitation method
- Spatially confined electrochemical conversion of metal–organic frameworks into metal-sulfides and their in situ electrocatalytic investigation via scanning electrochemical microscopy
- Unclassified
- Ion interactions and dynamics in pseudohalide based ionic liquid electrolytes containing sodium solutes
- 4D-resolved physical model for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Li(Ni1-x-yMnxCoy)O2-based cathodes in symmetric cells: Consequences in tortuosity calculations
- Plastic Crystals Utilising Small Ammonium Cations and Sulfonylimide Anions as Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries
- Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymer Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries
- The influence of interfacial interactions on the conductivity and phase behaviour of organic ionic plastic crystal/polymer nanoparticle composite electrolytes