Stopped-flow in the mid-IR using dual comb spectroscopy - AN38 - BioLogic
20 min read

Stopped-flow in the mid-IR using dual comb spectroscopy – AN38

Latest updated: December 9, 2024

Protein chemists have always wanted to follow kinetics in the mid-infra-red region (mid-IR) in order to better understand how proteins fold, and to obtain information about secondary structure changes involved in the folding process. Traditionally, the stopped-flow is coupled to a Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectrometer but the acquisition speed of the spectrometer is often a limitation so rapid kinetics (shorter than 100 ms) cannot be observed. An alternative solution to follow rapid kinetics in the mid-IR is to use dual-comb spectroscopy, a technology which offers faster acquisition speed and better signal to noise ratio.

The aim of this application note is to show how the BioLogic SFM can be connected to the IRis-F1 from IRsweep, to follow reactions in the millisecond time scale, and to observe never-seen-before mid-IR reactions



Stopped-flow FT-IR stopped-flow dual comb spectroscopy Iris-F1 SFM2000-3000-4000 mid-IR rapid kinetics secondary structure infra-red kinetics

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