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Scanning probe Electrochemistry & battery research

As demand for electric vehicles, portable electronics, and green energy storage grow, so too will the demand for better batteries. To improve on current battery technologies, researchers must intimately understand battery components

Stopped-flow down to -90°C

By coupling the SFM-series to a cryostat, the operating temperature limit can be decreased to -90°C allowing the chemical reaction to slow down more than 3000 times.

A new approach to circular dichroism

As a result of a cutting-edge design, the MOS-500 delivers the highest levels of precision for any instrument on the market, but also reduces running costs significantly because nitrogen is rarely needed during experiments

A local view of corrosion

The effects of corrosion need to be considered in almost every industry. A recent NACE report [1] estimated that corrosion costs $2.5 trillion USD globally

Probing 2D Materials

2D materials have been investigated using traditional electrochemical methods, providing a global view of the 2D material under investigation.

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