Scanning Electrochemical Workstations for Local Electrochemistry - BioLogic

Scanning Probe Electrochemistry & BioLogic

BioLogic M470: A versatile, high-performance Scanning Electrochemical Workstation

Scanning probe electrochemistry encompasses a range of scientific techniques combining both electrochemistry and microscopy. Bulk electrochemistry allows the investigation of global processes; however, it does not necessarily indicate the cause of such bulk processes. Conversely, with microscopy, surface features can be measured, but the effect of these features is not clear. Scanning probe electrochemistry gives users a “best of both worlds” approach locally mapping the electrochemistry of a sample. Through scanning probe electrochemistry, a correlation between activity and features can be made. Scanning probe electrochemistry includes:



BioLogic has over 25 years of experience producing scanning probe electrochemistry instruments. Initially, this included a number of single technique instruments, with the first-ever modular scanning electrochemical workstation, the M370, introduced in 2006, under the Uniscan name.

Scanning probe electrochemistry has found use in academic and commercial research settings. It is applicable in any field in which bulk electrochemical measurements have been used. Scanning probe electrochemistry has found widespread use in:


For more information on the different factors you should take into account when purchasing a scanning electrochemical workstation please see our learning center article “Key factors to consider when looking for a scanning electrochemical workstation



M470 Scanning Electrochemical Workstation

BioLogic’s M470 Scanning Electrochemical Workstation gives users the highest level of flexibility available in scanning probe electrochemistry. There are 9 different techniques available on this fully modular instrument which can be included at the point of purchase or added as the researcher’s needs grow. The wide range of cells and probes available for the M470 ensure that this scanning electrochemical workstation can be constantly tailored to meet experimental needs. Furthermore, the M470 is the only commercial scanning electrochemical workstation offering Intermittent Contact-SECM (ic-SECM) for constant distance SECM measurements. In this, the latest generation of scanning electrochemical workstations, all of the necessary electronics are contained within a single control unit, taking up the smallest possible amount of space.


Why BioLogic Scanning Electrochemical Workstations stand out? What makes the M470 different?

Centralized, easy-to-use software. All your M470 scanning probe electrochemistry techniques are powered by one easy-to-use control interface

The nature of local electrochemistry, which exploits a large number of electrochemistry techniques (the M470 can be fitted with seven techniques: SECM, OSP, SKP, IC-SECM, SDS, SVP) means that unless the scanning electrochemical workstation control software has been specifically designed to manage all these techniques it can be very difficult for users to plan experiments.


Many scanning electrochemical workstations require users to use different control software packages for each technique. This can make setting up and running experiments difficult and requires additional user effort and can slow down your workflow. By keeping “everything under the same roof” with one universal control interface, the M470’s scanning electrochemical workstation software allows the user to easily set up all experiment types  including electrochemistry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and scanning experiments.


Make it simple. Make it work together: A unified approach to scanning electrochemical workstation design

Some scanning electrochemical workstations are built using outsourced components that have not been specifically designed for the instrument or the technique. This can sometimes create issues with product installation, especially product support. The M470 scanning electrochemical workstation is the product of years of research and development. This experience has helped BioLogic design electronic components purpose-built for scanning probe electrochemistry. All of these components are contained within a single control unit. And because all connections are made internally there’s no room for human error during experiment setup. So users don’t need to worry about faulty connections and can concentrate on learning their techniques!


Enclosed axes: choose a scanning electrochemical workstation that does not attract dust and dirt

Dust and dirt are the enemies of most scientific instruments, but especially scanning-electrochemical workstations. Some scanning electrochemical workstations do not enclose the positioning system, making it a magnet for dust and dirt, which can send the instrument into an error state as well as require regular cleaning and maintenance.  The M470 scanning electrochemical workstation axes are almost fully enclosed. This protects the positioning system from dust and dirt. So users can exploit an instrument that is not just high-accuracy and high-performance but one that minimizes maintenance.


I need support! Where do I go?

BioLogic has invested heavily in online and offline support. So, if you have a problem, we can help you find a solution. Our ever-growing back-catalog of technical notes and application notes is complemented by short, easy-to-read articles in our Learning Center. We are sure that you will find the information that you need online. But if you do need to talk to someone, our global support network means that there will always be someone to advise you if you need help.

Find out more about Scanning Probe Electrochemistry on BioLogic's Learning Center

BioLogic’s Learning Center is a scientific blog covering every aspect of local electrochemistry, including experiment setups, tech-tips, theory as well as background scientific information. The Learning Center is updated regularly with new articles related to scanning probe electrochemistry so check back regularly.


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A local view of corrosion The role of scanning probe electrochemistry in the field of corrosion research is examined in this easy to understand article.