MPG-200 battery cycler series - BioLogic
Research grade battery cycler

MPG-200 battery cycler series.

The MPG battery testing system: Precision, stability and power – perfect for in-house R&D or academia

The MPG-200 series is a high-end battery testing system made up of two core configurations. The MPG-2 features 16 independent channels at 100 mA, whereas the MPG-205 offers eight 5 A channels. Both MPG battery testing systems are available with or without EIS capabilities.

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MPG-200 Battery Testing Systems: The power of a high-end potentiostat/galvanostat, the simplicity of a battery cycler

MPG-200 series battery testing system’s high-end specification has been designed to address the most demanding battery testing needs possible.
Equipped with five leads to connect to batteries with reference electrodes, the MPG-2 battery testing system features 16 channels with a maximum current of ± 100 mA per channel, its voltage range of ± 10 V makes it suitable for any cell (half, full, symmetrical) configuration.

The MPG-205 features 8 channels at ± 5 A. With its voltage range from -2 to +9 V, this battery testing system has four electrode connections.
Both units share a 200 µs time-base/sampling rate, a remarkable 800 pA current resolution, and their dynamic range can lower their voltage resolution down to 5 µV.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is available as an option and can run simultaneously on every channel from 100 kHz to 10 µHz.


Each channel can be equipped with a Pt-100 probe for temperature measurements and can interface external devices through analog and digital input/output.


Both units can be stacked in a five-position rack, giving users total autonomy to develop a bespoke system to perfectly fit their needs.


Perfectly suited for energy applications

MPG-200 series battery testing systems feature a comprehensive set of battery-specific and general electrochemistry techniques and analysis tools including:

• Chronoamperometry
• Chronopotentiometry
• Differential Coulometry (dQ/dV)
• High Precision Coulometry (HPC)
• Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
• Capacity slippage
• User profile
• Pulse techniques


EC-Lab: The benchmark for control software

MPG battery testing systems are supplied with EC-Lab® software, free of charge.  This powerful software package, often referred to as the benchmark interface for electrochemistry is especially suited to battery and supercapacitor applications. A truly comprehensive package, EC-Lab® covers every step of the battery testing process from test plan design to test monitoring and analysis.

The graphic package provided with the EC-Lab® software includes advanced analysis and fitting tools (ZFit). Some process functions, such as “Capacity & Energy per cycle” or “Constant Power Protocol Summary“ help the user calculate additional variables during successive cycles, such as:

  • Energy
  • Charge/discharge capacity
  • Efficiency
  • Dynamic resistance

For more information, please visit the Software page

Specifications: MPG-200 Series Battery Testing System




Channel number168
Cell connection2, 3, 4 or 5 terminal leads2 or 4 terminal leads
Range± 10 V-2 V: 9 V
Control resolution200 µV down to 5 µV
Measurement resolution0.004 % of FSR
Accuracy± 0.1 % of control ± 0.01% of FSR
Max (continuous) per channel± 100 mA± 5 A
Ranges5: 100 mA down to 10 µA7: 5 A down to 10 µA
Control resolution0.004 % of FSR /0.8 nA
Measurement resolution0.004 % of FSR
Accuracy± 0.1 % of control ± 0.01 % of FSR
Built-inOptional: simultaneously on every channel
Range10 µHz to 100 kHz
Acquisition time200 µs
Time base200 µs
Auxiliary inputs/outputs
Monitor ouputE and I monitorsI monitor
2 analog inputsAutomatic ± 2.5 V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V ranges – 16 bits resolution
1 analog output± 10 V range, 16 bits resolution
2 digital inputsTTL level trigger input
1 digital ouputTTL level trigger ouput
Dimensions (H x W x D)260 x 495 x 465 mm254 x 494 x 454 mm
Weight17 kg25 kg
Power consumption350 W860 W

What should I do if I have an issue?

In case of problems, information on your hardware and software configuration is necessary to analyze and finally solve the problem you encounter.


If you have any questions or if any problem occurs that is not mentioned in this document, please contact your local retailer. The highly-qualified staff will be glad to help you.

Please keep information on the following at hand:

  • Description of the error (the error message, mpr file, picture of setting or any other useful information) and of the context in which the error occurred. Try to remember all steps you had performed immediately before the error occurred. The more information on the actual situation you can provide, the easier it is to track the problem.
  • The serial number of the device located on the rear panel device.
  • The software and hardware version you are currently using. On the Help menu, click About. The displayed dialog box shows the version numbers.
  • The operating system on the connected computer.

Where can I download the software to control my instruments?

To download EC-Lab® software, please consult page:

EC-Lab® Software


Boost your instrument with... (only for MPG-2)


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The following equipment may help you with your research.

Greater Scope. Increased flexibility.

Do you need more channels without compromising on precision? You may want to consider our high-precision BCS battery cycler series.