mT Jump System - BioLogic
Stopped-flow /quench flow

mT Jump System.

Mixing temperature Jump accessory

An accessory designed to enable temperature changes by mixing two solutions. Suitable for folding/refolding without chemical denaturant and Polymerization amongst other applications

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Mixing T-jump (mT-jump)

The mT-Jump accessory achieves temperature changes by mixing two solutions of different initial temperatures T1 and T2. The final temperature of the mixture (T3) is calculated from the initial temperatures T1 and T2 and the mixing ratio of the two solutions. Three thermoelectric Peltier elements are used to control the initial temperatures of the two solutions and that of the observation cell after mixing.

The user defines the mixing ratio for the reaction and the amplitude of the temperature jump. The temperature of each Peltier element is then automatically adjusted. The mT-Jump system can accommodate all FC-type cuvettes and is compatible with MOS-200, MOS-500 and MOS-DAD

The amplitude and direction of the jump is entirely controlled by the user (up to ± 40°C jump), offering new investigation domains, for example, protein refolding studies.


Main applications with millisecond resolution include:
● Folding/refolding without chemical denaturant,
● Polymerization.



Mixing ratiofrom 1:1 to 1:4
Storage lines150 μl
Cuvette compabilityall FC cuvettes
Dead time1.5 ms
Temperature rangefrom +5 °C to +90 °C
Maximum temperature jump±40 °Ctd>
Precision of T Jump±0.1 °C
T stability (cuvette)variation < 1% in 30 s
T stability (storage line)±0.2 °C at 80 °C