BioLogic SP-150e single channel potentiostat
Essential Potentiostats

SP-150e Potentiostat.

From μA to 800 A: The power to do more

The SP–150e is the only ampere capable electrochemical workstation to boast high-current capability (800 A with boosters), three EIS quality indicators (THD, NSD, NSR) for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy validation and Ethernet compatibility for improved group-working.

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The new BioLogic SP-150e is an electrochemical workstation designed to grow with your research needs. This two-channel, EIS-capable electrochemical workstation is perfect for a wide range of general electrochemistry applications, but the ±1 A current range makes it especially suitable for energy applications including battery, supercapacitor, fuel cell (RRDE compatible), and electrolysis research.


Should you need more power, this versatile electrochemical workstation will grow with your research needs. The SP –150e is the only ampere workstation to boast high-current capability (800 A with boosters), three EIS quality indicators (THD, NSD, NSR) for EIS validation, and Ethernet compatibility for improved group-working.


The SP-150e’s versatile, comprehensive specification is complemented by BioLogic’s benchmark control and analysis software EC-Lab. Advanced analysis techniques can be managed directly in the software (no need to export) with Z-Fit EIS fitting software also embedded in the interface. Control, analysis, fitting – everything is in one place, saving you time and facilitating electrochemical measurements.

BioLogic EC-Lab® software – Benchmark electrochemical workstation control and analysis software

Powerful, modular, and easy to use
The most powerful hardware is only as performant as the software that sits behind it. BioLogic EC-Lab software has earned itself the reputation as the benchmark for electrochemical workstation control and data analysis, based on a combination of intuitive control and analytic power.


Slots availableUp to 2
Electrodes connections2, 3, 4, 5
Compliance20 V adjustable from ± 10 V between [-20 ; 20] V
Acquisition time20 µs with EC-Lab developer package, 200 µs with EC-Lab.
Live processed data : 200 µs, independent of sampling rate (Q charge, Q discharge, Energy, Power...)
SoftwareEC-Lab, EC-Lab developer package
Add-ons compatibilityYes
Dimension (W x D x H)136 x 372 x 209 mm
Weight3.9 kg
Power requirement110 W
InterfacesEthernet (Direct, LAN, Wifi), USB 2.0

Channel specifications

RangesCustomizable ranges. Compliance of 20 V adjustable (example 0 - 20 V). Up to 60 V with FlexP-0060± 2,5 V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V. ± 10 V adjustable (example 0 - 20 V). Up to 60 V with FlexP0060/FlexP0160
Accuracy< 0.1 % FSR* (20 mV)< 0.1 % FSR* (20 mV)
Resolution5 µV to 305 µV76 µV below 10 V, 152 µV from 10 to 15 V, 305 µV from 15 to 20 V
± 10 µA to ± 1 A (6 ranges). Automatic current range available. Up to 800 A with four FlexP-0012.
< 0.1 % FSR* (min 20 nA)
0.004 % of the range (min 760 pA)
EIS capability
1 MHz to 10 µHz
EIS quality indicators
Yes (with "e" type channel board)

*FSR = Full Scale Range


Floating optionsCE to ground
Permeation (WE to ground)No
Multi-electrode (CE to ground)Yes (with "e" type channel board)
Input/ouput2x analog inputs
1x analog output
3x TTL (trigger input/output, and safety)
2x monitor outputs (current and voltage)
Stability control mode 7 bandwidths
CalibrationMore than 50 verified points.

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